The Zhu Lab
Contact Us
Stony Brook University
Bioengineering Building
Office: Room 113
Lab: Room 120
100 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11794
Phone Number: 631-632-1911
Seeking Talents
Our laboratory invites highly motivated and talented postdoctoral and Ph.D. candidates to join our dynamic and diverse team. We focus on engineering-driven medicine, particularly at the intersection of materials science and engineering, micro/nanotechnology, chemistry, immunology, and medicine.
Our group is guided by four core values: Hard working, Innovation, Collaboration, and Respect. We are looking to recruit candidates who embody these values to the highest degree. Ideal candidates will have excellent training in one of the following fields: Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, or Medicine. We particularly welcome candidates with a strong publication record and outstanding research training.
If you are interested in joining our team, please email Prof. Zhu at with a brief cover letter and your CV.